At CityChurch, we want you and your family to experience financial freedom.
Imagine a life without worrying about your next financial emergency. Imagine having the ability to live debt free, allowing opportunities to share an irresistible display of generosity.
We are providing Ramsey+ to you FREE OF CHARGE, an all-access membership that includes bestselling money tools, apps, content, and resources to help you take control of your money for good.
Today’s the day! Sign up for Ramsey+ to start your journey toward financial peace today!
What is Ramsey +?
1 | Jump Start:
This includes nine short videos (about five minutes each) overviewing a Christian approach to stewardship and money.

2 | Financial Peace University Class:
In this course, you’ll learn how to pay off debt, save for emergencies, and invest in your future.

3 | Every Dollar App:
Without a budget, you cannot succeed with money. With all the premium features of EveryDollar, you will easily have full control of
your money.

4 | Baby Steps App:
See your next steps to financial freedom. You’ll get customized tips
to crush your goals.

5 | Smart Money Smart Kids:
This is a simple resource, broken down by age range, helping parents
to equip their kids with a Christian foundation and practical financial principles.

6 | Legacy Journey:
As you plan for the future, this tool will help you map out your long-range plans for irresistible generosity.